Government Relations

Promoting, advocating and influencing your business interests and necessities. By mapping the main stakeholders and understanding the complexity of the issue we provide and implement government relations strategies.

Public Relations

Political, strategic and crisis management communications. In any of its form effective communication entails clearness, correctness, completion, conciseness, and compassionate. We consider these to be the 5 C's of communication.

(geo)Political Risk Assessment

By identifying external and internal social, political and economic risks we ensure that our clients are always one step ahead. It allows to spot on how national and international on-going political transformations will affect your business.


Unlocking business potential by enhancing international collaboration, attracting domestic and foreign investment, and strengthening regional cooperation.

Internal and Structural Process Management

Optimizing organizational efficiency by streamlining structures and processes. We assess your current operations and implement improvements that drive productivity, enhance collaboration, and support sustainable growth.

Producing and Organizing Events

Creating impactful and memorable events that align with your business objectives. We manage every detail, from planning to execution, ensuring your event effectively reaches the target audience and achieves your desired outcomes.

Market Entry

Navigating the complexities of entering the Baltic market. We provide strategic insights, local knowledge, and practical support to help you establish and grow your presence in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

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